

It’s been a while since I’ve posted, but I’ve been mulling this one over for a while. We were discussing the other night at Bible study about the best ways to stay in the Word. My response was that I try to just stay saturated in it. Surround myself with it. Live in it. I’ve found that if I try to set aside time to study God’s word, I get distracted. Or interrupted. Or I’m too tired. Or frustrated. Or it doesn’t make sense. But if I saturate myself in God’s word, living with it constantly before me, something’s going to stick. I often find that those passages that I purposely sit down to study or try to memorize are not the ones that come to mind in those instances when I need them. It’s the ones that I’ve been constantly and repeatedly exposed to, perhaps even in a passive way, that I can recall when I need them. Often I am surprised by the Scripture that has written itself on my heart just through frequent exposure. Saturation also serves as a fortress around my life and my heart. Th

Grace Like Oxygen

About 20 years ago, Todd Agnew released a song called "Grace Like Rain." The chorus says,  "And Hallelujah, grace like rain Falls down on me And Hallelujah and all my stains Are washed away, they're washed away."  It's a great song with a catchy tune and I found myself singing it in my head quite often. I really like it. It incorporates portions of the song "Amazing Grace" and explains that God's grace is what makes it possible for our sins to be washed away. But something about it just didn't sit right with me. Maybe it's the English teacher in me, but I analyzed the analogy of grace being rain and it just didn't seem to fit. Rain is something that we need for sure. We can't live without it. The earth couldn't live without it. It's essential. It's life-giving.  But it's not constant. It's not something that we need every second of every day. It comes and goes. We go through seasons of drought where we pray f

When God Whispers to Your Heart . . .

Years ago, I used to blog quite a bit about life and Jesus and teaching and being married without children. I've always enjoyed writing and it was more a creative outlet than anything else. But that was a season of my life where my husband and I were trying to figure out life and where God wanted us to be. Mike was the minister in the family and I was just "tagging along." I was supportive of his ministry and willing to help out in whatever church God placed us in, but ministry was his thing and honestly took a back seat in my own life.  But God has a way of getting His way, if you know what I mean. These last three years of Covid and unrest and uncertainty have been a time in my life where God has really been working on my heart. From the outside, it may not look like a whole lot has changed in my life, but God does His best work on the inside.  My sister passed away almost a year and a half ago. Those of you who know me know that I lost my mom at 23 and I was forever ch